For Parents of ADHD Children Dreaming of Peace and Focus at Home

For Parents of ADHD Children Dreaming of

Peace and Focus at Home

How To Transform Your Challenging ADHD Child into a Focused, Calm Kid... Without Harsh Discipline or Relying Solely on Medication - In Just 7 Days

A step-by-step guide on how to improve your child's focus and behavior using proven techniques that work with your child's ADHD brain, not against it.

What is the 7 Day Calm ADHD Blueprint?

The 7 Day Calm ADHD Blueprint is a practical, easy-to-implement approach to managing your ADHD child's behavior based on the latest neuroscience research and real-world parenting experience.

Created by Alice Rose – ADHD specialist, behavioral therapist, and mom of an ADHD child who has helped more than 38,000 families turn chaos into calm...

This simple guide takes just 10 minutes a day to read and implement, empowering you with effective ADHD management strategies that show results fast.

Your child will start focusing on tasks and managing their impulses better. And you'll feel more calm, confident, and in control while enjoying more peaceful family time.

7 Day Calm ADHD Blueprint

  • A practical step-by-step guide for transforming your child's behavior even if they're hyperactive, easily distracted, and nothing else has worked.

  • 7 daily chapters with actionable strategies you can implement immediately.

  • Specific and detailed instructions with examples from real families I've worked with.

  • SINGLE payment, LIFETIME access, no need to worry about falling behind

  • 30-day guarantee, if you don’t love it, get your money back, no questions asked

  • Customized approach for children ages 4 to 16

  • Ideal for parents who want to reduce reliance on medication or find alternatives

  • ALSO INCLUDED: 🎁 5 FREE BONUS GIFTS 🎁 that help you manage school struggles, reduce meltdowns, improve social skills, and much more (total value of $184)


ONLY $14

Backed By Our Unconditional

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Our 7 Day Calm ADHD Blueprint is a Proven SHORTCUT to a More Peaceful Family Life

When my son was diagnosed with ADHD, I thought I had all the answers. But I quickly realized that textbook knowledge wasn't enough for the day-to-day challenges of parenting an ADHD child.

I was totally unprepared for the constant battles, school complaints, and social struggles.

NOTHING WORKED and I felt like I was failing as a parent.

I felt overwhelmed, anxious, and started to resent my own child. I argued with my husband constantly.

I began to dread every day, wondering what new crisis would emerge.

The stress was tearing our family apart, and I felt like I was DROWNING...

So I decided to find a better way.

I've spent years working with overwhelmed parents just like you, and I've developed a set of simple, effective tools that really work for managing ADHD without relying solely on medication or using harsh discipline.

And because I know you're exhausted and need help NOW, I've distilled everything into a 7-day plan that takes just 20 minutes a day to implement.

It's the parenting lifeline I wish I'd had years ago!

Continue reading to learn how it works in detail, but here's a quick summary of how it works:

Here's What This Means For Your Family…

  • Your ADHD child will start listening and following directions. No more constant repeating yourself, no more daily battles. Everyone enjoys more peaceful interactions.

  • You'll start looking forward to homework time, knowing your child will actually sit down and focus. (No more hours of frustration and tears!)

  • You’ll stop feeling overwhelmed, out of energy, or like a failure as a parent. This is how I felt when I was struggling with my son's ADHD… But in just one week, you'll have the tools to help your child thrive, and you'll feel confident and in control again.

  • You'll have more energy for yourself and your relationships. ADHD parenting stress won't dominate your life anymore.

  • Your child will start building real friendships. Learn how to help your ADHD child navigate social situations and stop being "that kid" nobody wants to play with.

  • Your child will immediately start benefiting from improved focus and behavior. Better focus helps with school performance, social relationships, and builds the foundation for future success!

Here's how my Method has helped over 38,162 families transform chaos into calm…

Game-changer for ADHD management

The Calm ADHD Blueprint transformed our family life. After struggling with various strategies, this guide gave us a clear path forward. The method is gentle yet effective. Our son is now more focused, and we're all less stressed. Highly recommend for any family dealing with ADHD challenges.

Alice and her team are incredible!

Alice's expertise shines through in every aspect of the Calm ADHD Blueprint. The support we received was top-notch. We've seen remarkable improvements in our daughter's behavior and our family dynamics. This guide is a must-try for parents of ADHD children.

Simple and effective approach

In just the first few days, the calm blueprint has made a huge difference. Our 8-year-old is now completing homework without constant battles. The strategies are easy to implement and the results are amazing. We're so grateful for the positive changes in our daily routine.

Finally, some peace at home!

We were at our wit's end before finding Alice's guide. The step-by-step approach was easy to follow, even during hectic days. Our son's focus has improved dramatically, and family time is enjoyable again. Alice's method is a lifesaver for ADHD families.

Life-changing guide

The Calm ADHD Blueprint has been transformative for our family. Our daughter is calmer, more focused, and her self-esteem has soared. The guide's structure made it super straightforward to implement, and the support was super valuable. We're now enjoying peaceful evenings and productive mornings. Thank you, Alice and team!

Game-changer for ADHD management

The Calm ADHD Blueprint transformed our family life. After struggling with various strategies, this guide gave us a clear path forward. The method is gentle yet effective. Our son is now more focused, and we're all less stressed. Highly recommend for any family dealing with ADHD challenges.

Alice and her team are incredible!

Alice's expertise shines through in every aspect of the Calm ADHD Blueprint. The support we received was top-notch. We've seen remarkable improvements in our daughter's behavior and our family dynamics. This guide is a must-try for parents of ADHD children.

Finally, some peace at home!

In just the first few days, the calm blueprint has made a huge difference. Our 8-year-old is now completing homework without constant battles. The strategies are easy to implement and the results are amazing. We're so grateful for the positive changes in our daily routine.

Life-changing guide

The Calm ADHD Blueprint has been transformative for our family. Our daughter is calmer, more focused, and her self-esteem has soared. The guide's structure made it super straightforward to implement, and the support was super valuable. We're now enjoying peaceful evenings and productive mornings. Thank you, Alice!

My best ADHD management advice sent to you in 7 simple steps

The 7 Day Calm ADHD Blueprint includes my most effective, parent-tested advice. It will take the guesswork out of managing ADHD so you can learn from my years of experience coaching thousands of families - in just 7 days.

After this easy-to-implement 7 day plan, you'll…

  • Watch your ADHD child go from bouncing off the walls to sitting calmly and focusing on tasks. Really!

  • See your child complete homework without constant nagging and meltdowns. Whaat?!

  • Enjoy more predictable days with fewer crises and surprises.

  • Have a set of behavior management strategies that actually work, even on tough days.

  • Feel like yourself again – less stressed, more patient, and actually enjoying your child.

You're getting LIFETIME access to…

  • A practical step-by-step guide for transforming your child's behavior even if they're hyperactive, easily distracted, and nothing else has worked.

  • 7 daily chapters with actionable strategies you can implement immediately.

  • PLUS 5 FREE gifts that address your most pressing ADHD parenting challenges (total value of $184).

Here's exactly how it works…

  • Download the PDF guide instantly

  • Read one chapter each day (about 10 minutes of reading)

  • Implement that day's strategy immediately

  • See improvements in your child's behavior and your stress levels right away

  • After 7 days, you'll have a complete toolkit for managing your child's ADHD effectively


ONLY $14

You're saving $83 today!

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30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Here's everything You're Getting PLUS The FIVE FREE GIFTS ($184 Total Value)

The ADHD Meltdown Prevention Toolkit

Learn to spot meltdown triggers before they escalate and defuse intense emotions effectively. Master gentle yet powerful techniques to help your child regain calm and control.

School Success Strategies for ADHD Students

Unlock your child's academic potential with proven ADHD-specific learning techniques. Discover how to transform homework struggles into productive study sessions and boost classroom performance.


Social Skills Booster

Help your child build lasting friendships and navigate social situations with confidence. Practical strategies to improve communication, read social cues, and foster positive peer relationships.

The ADHD-Friendly Meal Planner and Cookbook

Transform mealtimes with ADHD-optimized nutrition strategies and easy family-friendly recipes. Learn how to plan, prep, and cook meals that support your child's focus and behavior, while making the kitchen a stress-free zone for the whole family.


Sleep Solution Guide

Transform bedtime battles into peaceful nights with sleep strategies tailored for the ADHD brain. Discover how quality sleep can dramatically improve your child's focus, behavior, and overall well-being.

Here's everything You're Getting PLUS The FIVE FREE GIFTS ($184 Total Value)

The ADHD Meltdown Prevention Toolkit

Learn to spot meltdown triggers before they escalate and defuse intense emotions effectively. Master gentle yet powerful techniques to help your child regain calm and control.

School Success Strategies for ADHD Students

Unlock your child's academic potential with proven ADHD-specific learning techniques. Discover how to transform homework struggles into productive study sessions and boost classroom performance.


Social Skills Booster

Help your child build lasting friendships and navigate social situations with confidence. Practical strategies to improve communication, read social cues, and foster positive peer relationships.

The ADHD-Friendly Meal Planner and Cookbook

Transform mealtimes with ADHD-optimized nutrition strategies and easy family-friendly recipes. Learn how to plan, prep, and cook meals that support your child's focus and behavior, while making the kitchen a stress-free zone for the whole family.


Sleep Solution Guide

Transform bedtime battles into peaceful nights with sleep strategies tailored for the ADHD brain. Discover how quality sleep can dramatically improve your child's focus, behavior, and overall well-being.

Backed By Our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Join 38,000+ Parents Who Transformed Their Family Life

Join 38,000+ Parents Who Transformed Their Family Life

Dear exhausted, overwhelmed Mom or Dad,

I know you're at your wit's end.

You've tried everything to help your ADHD child focus, behave, and thrive.

But nothing seems to work for more than a day or two.

Your house is in constant chaos.

School is a daily struggle.

And you're tired of the judgmental looks from other parents who just don't understand.

You love your child fiercely, but sometimes...

You wonder if you're cut out for this parenting gig at all.

I've been exactly where you are.

And I'm here to tell you – it's not your fault. And it can get better.

Much better.

In just 7 days.

Here's How My Child Went From Constant Chaos to Calm Focus

Hi, I'm Alice Rose!

When my son was diagnosed with ADHD in 2016, I was pretty confident that I would handle it well. After all, I was a child psychologist who worked with ADHD kids every day!

Surely I could manage one ADHD child, 24/7 right?

Turns out I was completely unprepared for how ADHD would rob me of my confidence, energy, and joy of being a mom…

In the beginning, I tried all the standard behavior management techniques and we managed okay. But then school started, and the next thing I knew he was 6 years old and we hadn't had a peaceful day at home for ages.

I felt totally overwhelmed, anxious, and even depressed…

I started thinking that things would never get better… On top of that, I argued with my husband a lot and the worst was that I actually didn't have the energy to enjoy my child…

What was I doing wrong? Why were we failing so badly as parents? I was a child psychologist for crying out loud!

Something like this should never happen to me…

But there was a small voice inside me telling me that ADHD management was the problem, not me…

It assured me that I was the perfect mom for my energetic child, I was just too exhausted to realize it.

This voice convinced me that if we found the right strategies, everything would get better.

I scoured the internet and all the books I could get my hands on to find a solution. But it felt like drinking from a firehose. An avalanche of conflicting information

that made me feel even more lost...

Nothing I found felt right…

I even tried "Strict Discipline" & "Just Medicate" but it all felt WRONG

Most advice I found went against my instincts as a mom…

And since I couldn't find what I needed, I decided to create it.

After literally trying everything…

My son started showing improved focus and behavior in LESS than a week.

I felt incredible….

I was happy, optimistic, lighthearted, energetic – like myself again!

And finally, I could start enjoying being a mom to my unique, creative ADHD child! Yaaay!

And just like that we started to feel like a family again…

Then I started sharing what I did…

The method I created for my son proved so effective that parents started coming to me left and right.

The word spread like wildfire.

Soon I started speaking to groups of parents, teaching online to parents all around the globe, and even consulting with schools!

This is how the "7 Day Calm ADHD Blueprint" came to life…

Over the last few years, I've helped more than 12,000 families while fine-tuning my approach…

My combination of ADHD neuroscience,

child personality assessment, and psychology with proven, practical behavior management methods proved to help any family, no matter their situation – The CALM Method.

It's fully customizable to match your child's personality. It even works if you prefer to avoid medication!!!

Here's what happens when you try the "CALM Method"

  • Watch your ADHD child go from bouncing off the walls to sitting calmly and focusing on tasks. Really!

  • See your child complete homework without constant nagging and meltdowns. Whaat?!

  • Enjoy more predictable days with fewer crises and surprises.

  • Have a set of behavior management strategies that actually work, even on tough days.

  • Feel like yourself again – less stressed, more patient, and actually enjoying your child.

All of my best advice distilled down to 7 easy-to-follow steps.

After years of experience, I've taken everything I know and condensed it into a practical and easy-to-follow 7 Day Calm ADHD Blueprint.

Transform Your ADHD Child's Behavior In Just 7 Days



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30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Frequently asked questions

got any questions?

Is this just another "behavior chart" system that won't work for my ADHD child?

Not at all! The CABM Method goes far beyond simple behavior charts. It's based on the latest ADHD neuroscience and provides customized strategies that work with your child's unique ADHD brain, not against it.

My child is already on medication. Will this still help?

Absolutely! While medication can help, it's not a complete solution. The 7 Day Calm ADHD Blueprint gives you practical tools to maximize the benefits of medication and fill in the gaps where meds alone fall short.

We've tried everything. How is this different?

Unlike generic parenting advice, this blueprint is specifically designed for ADHD brains. It combines cutting-edge neuroscience with real-world strategies from thousands of ADHD children. Many parents see improvements within days, even after years of struggle.

I'm exhausted and don't have time for a complicated program. How much time will this take?

I get it – that's why I designed this for busy, overwhelmed parents. You'll spend just 10 minutes a day reading, and the strategies are simple to implement right away. Many parents actually save time once they start using these techniques!

My child is really struggling in school. Will this help?

Yes! Day 4 is entirely dedicated to winning the homework battle, and you'll learn strategies to advocate effectively for your child at school. Many parents report significant improvements in their child's academic performance after implementing these tools.

What ages is this appropriate for?

The 7 Day Calm ADHD Blueprint is designed for children ages 4-16. The strategies are adaptable for different ages, and you'll learn how to modify them as your child grows.

My child doesn't have an official ADHD diagnosis yet. Should I wait?

Don't wait! These strategies are beneficial for any child struggling with focus, impulsivity, or hyperactivity – diagnosis or not. Starting now could prevent years of unnecessary struggle.

We're considering medication but aren't sure. Will this help us decide?

Absolutely. You'll gain a deeper understanding of how the ADHD brain works, which will help you make an informed decision about medication. Many parents find they can delay or reduce the need for medication by implementing these strategies.

My partner and I disagree on how to handle our child's ADHD. Will this help us get on the same page?

Yes! The blueprint provides a clear, science-based approach that often helps parents align their strategies. Many couples report that it significantly reduces parenting conflicts and stress.

I'm worried about my child's self-esteem. How does this address the emotional side of ADHD?

This is a crucial concern that the blueprint directly addresses. You'll learn how to boost your child's self-esteem, manage emotional outbursts, and help your child develop a positive ADHD identity. Many parents report this as the most transformative aspect of the program.

What if it doesn't work for us? Is there a guarantee?

Yes! We offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. If you don't see improvements in your child's behavior and your family's stress levels, simply email us for a full refund. You can even keep the materials – that's how confident we are that this will help you.

I'm interested, but I'm not sure I can afford it right now. Is it worth the investment?

Consider this: How much is your current stress and your child's struggles costing you? Many parents find they actually save money by avoiding costly tutors, reducing missed work days, and preventing future interventions. Plus, at just $14, it's a fraction of the cost of a single therapy session – and you get lifetime access!

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